Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is this thing on?!

Sooo... does anyone read this thing anymore?! Things have been crazy busy for Katiebeans the past 3 weeks! First was the snowy weekend in Lancaster. Next was the beach weekend. (Iron Martin in Teabeans, pictured above.) Finally, I went to Pittsburgh for my sister's bridal shower!

The moral of the story is, I have been far too busy to crochet and blog! Plus, I have been able to run with out (major) issues with my injured foot on the treadmill so I am really trying to build up my endurance again, which takes up a lot of time during the week.

Long story boring, I am hoping to post my latest hat on Etsy and to make a few little things this week. Oh, also, I just got a new Macbook, so I am trying to figure that out.

Until then, I will leave you with my fabulous sparkler skills from winter beach trip 2010! Can you tell what it is??? (Hint: it's a heart)


  1. I always read- love the heart sparkler. You have mad skills my friend!

  2. I was reading, and then you stopped posting...Post more!!
