Friday, January 20, 2012


OK... it has been a LONG week.  Not gonna front (do people still say that??).  Looong hours at work, half marathon training, volunteering, and trying to squeeze in wedding planning in any second of free time if possible.  Normally I try to make every second of my life productive, but tonight I was going to veg and drink a beer and tweet and watch Tabatha Takes Over (which WILL NOT PLAY ON ON-DEMAND I NEED A TIVO SO SAD).  Anywahsss, I logged on to Ravelry, and apparently my Criss Cross Hat pattern is getting a ton of hearts??  
I kinda hoped the floves would, and I was stoked to see they hit over 100 hearts today, but then I saw the hat got 89?!  And was on the homepage of the crochet patterns?!  Exsqueeze me, backing powder?

So getting back to my earlier point... I wasn't going to blog or anything, and then I saw that.  Thanks for reading everyone/anyone!  And thank you to Melanie for asking about the Criss Cross pattern!  I sure hope everyone who queued it can make it - I am nervous about the pattern's accuracy.

Happy Friday!!!!


Crochet Addict UK said...

Wow Fantastic! Congratulations!

Katiebeans said...

Thank you!!!!! I am very surprised by people liking my patterns if you cannot tell from this post haha